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Auto Scrolling with Eyes

ยท 3 min read
Jason Hollifield
Founder @ Hollplex

Eye Commands scrolls for you based on how far down you are looking

Eye Auto Scroll is a simple tool that leverages Google MediaPipe's Face Landmarker solution to track eye movements in real-time and automatically scroll your screen or add your own eye based commands. With this application, you can adjust how far you have to look down before triggering a scroll, making it perfect if you want to read while enjoying a messy meal.


How It Worksโ€‹

The application uses your webcam to capture live video feed and processes it using MediaPipeโ€™s face landmarker model for real-time facial and eye tracking. When your eyeโ€™s "Look Down" score exceeds a set threshold (default is 40%), the program triggers a scroll action using pyautogui. You can adjust the vertical threshold (and thus the sensitivity) using simple keyboard controls.

Resources & Acknowledgementsโ€‹

This project was built using resources and guides from Google MediaPipe:

The face landmarker model used (file: face_landmarker.task) was downloaded from Googleโ€™s docs mentioned above.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd eye-commands
  2. Install the requirements:

    pip install opencv-python mediapipe numpy pyautogui


If you need to change the video device (e.g., if youโ€™re using a different webcam), simply modify the video device number in the code. Open and change the following line:

webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(1) # Change for different cameras

Usage Instructionsโ€‹

  1. Run the application:

  2. Review the Start Menu:

    A start menu will appear, showing controls and instructions.

    • Note: Due to a known bug, you may need to press the SPACE key twice to fully start the application.
  3. During Operation:

    • Look Down to Scroll: When you look down (detected by the left eye), the application will trigger an auto-scroll. This makes it easier to read on-screen content even if you switch focus to another window.
    • Adjust Sensitivity:
      • Press W to increase the sensitivity (vertical threshold).
      • Press S to decrease the sensitivity.
    • Press Q at any time to quit and return to the menu.

Now you can enjoy your meal ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ even while reading something important!


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to open a pull request or raise an issue on the repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.